JPOW is a Dutch-led exercise series conducted every other year since 1996; this year, 1,000 military personnel from 22 Nations participated and trained combined air defence capabilities in a digital environment. NATO’s exercises Steadfast Armour 23 (STAR23) and Ramstein Century (RACE23) were integrated into JPOW23, exploiting synergies of the IAMD community. This year Romania and Lithuania changed from observers to active participants for the first time.
From March 22 to 29, international participants executed an IAMD scenario testing and verifying procedures from peacetime to crisis, from the strategic level down to the execution of plans at the tactical level. The goal was to analyse, react and interact in a combined setting.
“The Air Dimension offers a variety of possibilities, and the training of an integrated NATO Air and Missile Defence is essential,” said Lieutenant Colonel Jörg Treiber, Deputy Director of the Joint Force Air Component. “Finding the most integrated, adaptable, flexible, responsive and high-tempo solution to defend against an air and missile threat plays a central role in protecting Alliance territory and people”, he added.
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