India to get Russian Igla-S systems media

May 17, 2024

Malaysia Sun

India is set to receive the next batch of Russian Igla-S short range man portable air defense systems (MANPADS) by the end of May to early June, as the payment issues that delayed the delivery have been resolved, The Hindu reported on Thursday, citing sources.

Moscow and New Delhi signed a contract for the supply and licensed manufacturing of Igla-S MANPADS in India last year, Rosoboronexport, Russia’s main arms export body, announced. The weaponry is being assembled in India by Adani Defense Systems and Technologies Limited (ADSTL) under technology transfer from Rosoboronexport. While the missiles will be imported, some parts of the system such as sights, launcher, and battery will be assembled or manufactured in India by Adani defense, a source told The Hindu.

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