Egypt to purchase Antey-2500 missile system from Russia: TASS

March 9, 2015

Cairo Post:

CAIRO: Russia will supply Egypt with an Antey-2500 anti-ballistic missile system and training for more than $1 billion in 2016, a source close to the Moscow’s military told Russian news agency TASS Friday.

The delivery of the support equipment began in 2014, the source said. The reported deal comes amid booming relations between the two countries. Egypt and Russia signed a military cooperation protocol March 4, as well as an agreement on joint commission on military and technical cooperation.

Meanwhile, Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu invited his Egyptian counterpart Sedqi Sobhi to participate in a Russian military forum in June, Youm7 reported Friday.

Russian arms manufacturers will attend the forum, as well as think tanks, universities, weapons developers and foreign partners. The Russian Defense Ministry will exhibit some 12 pieces of modern military equipment operating in the air, land and water, according to Youm7.

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