A Divided America Finds Common Ground on Defense Technology

November 16, 2018


The recent midterm elections have exposed a political landscape that’s more divided than ever, with a Republican Senate pitted against a Democrat House; with Trump supporters pitted against Never Trumpers; and all deeply at odds on issues from guns and illegal immigration to tax cuts and health care.

Abraham Lincoln famously said, “A house divided cannot stand.” A house divided can’t defend itself, either, against growing threats around the world, unless it can find grounds for agreement on what needs to be done to keep America strong and safe.

Fortunately that common ground exists, on advanced defense technology. My meetings and discussions with members of Congress, their staffs and those at the White House, reveals that there are three key propositions that can lead this country forward to a new consensus on how high-tech can strengthen America’s national and economic security, and restore American leadership for the future.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff