1-174th Takes Part in Exercise Forager 21

August 2, 2021

U.S. Army:

Soldiers assigned to 1st Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Regiment took part in exercise Forager 21 starting July 10, 2021 on Guam and Tinian. Throughout their training, the 1-174th performed exercises on their Avenger Air Defense Systems and Sentinel Radars. They also coordinated with other units from around the United States as well as partners and allies. Forager 21 exercises their ability to conduct strategic deployment and Joint operational maneuver of forces into and across the Indo-Pacific theater.

“Especially as a National Guard unit, our ability to load up our equipment and move it all the way from Ohio to Guam, demonstrates our ability to support force projection into different combatant commands and different theaters,” said Ohio National Guard Lt. Col. Millard Rife, Battalion Commander of the 1-174th…

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff