U.S. Pacific Commander Demands Missile Defenses and Offenses for Guam

September 21, 2020

According to Adm. Philip Davidson, commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Guam needs more missile defenses in order to defend against “an increasingly aggressive China.”

“There are billions of dollars in defense capability on Guam,” he told the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, an industry lobbying group, yesterday. “There needs to be some investment in defending that.” China’s rapid development of the world’s largest rocket force is a concern, Davidson said during the forum. The force could strike U.S. forces on Guam and in the Far East with everything from ballistic missiles to maneuverable cruise and hypersonic missiles, warned the commander of 380,000 troops and civilians — responsible for an area of operations stretching from the U.S. West Coast to India…


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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff