Send messages of support for Camp Ravenna project

June 29, 2018

The Vindicator:

After five long years of detailed study and analysis, the federal government stands poised to announce within three weeks whether it will proceed with a $3.6 billion project to build a massive missile defense site in the eastern half of the United States and whether to award that prize to our region.

That news, relayed late last week by state and federal, should galvanize a full-court press of aggressive last-minute lobbying to the administration of President Donald J. Trump for green-lighting the project and for placing it at the Camp Ravenna Joint Military Training Site at the border of Portage and Trumbull counties.

The potential benefits of the Continental Interceptor Site to our region’s economy and our nation’s defenses demands nothing less. The project was born in 2013 when the U.S. Missile Defense Agency was tasked with finding a place in the eastern half of the United States to accompany the West Coast Missile Defense bases at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and Fort Greely in Alaska.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff