MDAA Congressional Roundtable: Future Ballistic Missile Defense Systems

July 30, 2015

On July 28, 2015 the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance hosted a roundtable discussion on Future Ballistic Missile Defense Systems.

WATCH:MDAA’s Congressional Roundtable on Future Missile Defense Systems

READ: Official MDAA Congressional Roundtable on Future Missiel Defense Systems Transcript

The roundtable discussion focused on these three areas:

  • Persistent space-based missile defense sensors
  • UAV Directed Energy boost-phase ballistic missile defense
  • Adaptations to today’s missile defense platforms and future systems

Rountable Speakers

Lt Gen Samuel A. Greaves, USAF


 Commander, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center

Lt Gen Greaves manages the research, design, development, acquisition, and sustainment of satellites and the associated command and control systems. His extensive portfolio includes military satellite communication, missile warning, navigation and timing, space-based weather, space launch and test ranges, certification for launch, space superiority, responsive space and other emerging evolutionary space programs.

Dr.  Kelly D. Hammett


Chief Engineer, Air Force Research Lab Directed Energy Directorate

Dr. Kelly Hammett is currently the Chief Engineer for the Directed Energy Directorate (RD) of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Prior to this he served s Chief Engineer for AFRL/RD’s Optics Division, and prior to that he was the Chief Engineer for the Airborne Laser Program of the Missile Defense Agency. In the latter position, then Lt Col Hammett culminated a 20 year active duty Air Force career, having served in a variety of positions mainly focused on directed energy weapon system technology development and acquisition. Dr Hammett holds a BS in aerospace engineering from the University of Oklahoma, an MS in Aeronautics/Astronautics from MIT, and a PhD from the Air Force Institute of Technology, where he specialized in Optimal and Nonlinear Control and Estimation Theory.

Mr. Richard Ritter


 Program Executive, C4ISR, Missile Defense Agency

Mr. Ritter, is the Program Executive for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance. He previously served as the Program Director for Command, Control, Battle Management and Communications.

Mr. Richard Matlock


Program Executive for Advanced Technology, Missile Defense Agency

Mr. Matlock is leading the development of the next generation of cutting edge missile defense technologies and proving their benefit to the warfighter through realistic experiments in relevant environments. Some of Mr. Matlock’s other Senior Executive assignments included the Program Director for the BMDS Kill Vehicles program and Program Director for Modeling and Simulation.

