MDAA Write Your Representatives Week (4/21-4/25) Introduction

April 21, 2014

Contacting your leaders is one of the most important ways that you can contribute to the mission of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance. It is important to let them know how you feel about the vital need to protect our country and our troops from the threat of ballistic missiles. From the local city council representative, to the President of the United States, your representatives in government hold the power to ensure that we are protected from the threat of ballistic missiles.

Monday 4/21 – Video Introduction posted on MDAA’s YouTube Channel The video will discuss the importance of contacting your elected officials and MDAA resources to help you write your own letter.

Tuesday 4/22 – Article explaining the importance of the National Defense Authorization Act posted on

Wednesday 4/23 – MDAA Director of Government Relations Abel Romero will answer your questions about effectively communication with your representative from 1pm-3pm EST. Tweet your questions using the hashtag #MDAAWYRWeek to @missiledefadv

Thursday 4/24 – Post your questions, comments, and messages showing your support of missile defense on

Friday 4/25 – Follow MDAA at Share your pictures supporting Write Your Representatives Week on Instagram with the hashtag #MDAAWYRWeek
