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MDAA 2016 European Missile Defenders, Award presenters, and Mr. Hatim Tyabji and Riki Ellison

Dear Members and Friends,

Last Friday, MDAA took our 2016 European Missile Defenders of the Year to the remnants of the Lichtenberg Castle in Thallichtenberg, Germany, which was built around the year 1200. This fortress served as a safe haven and was never overtaken for over 600 years protecting its people and allowing the surrounding community to flourish.

For thousands of years in Europe, castles were built using the latest technological advances and design improvements to deter attacks and defend their inhabitants from outside threats. These improvements and defensive measures came from charismatic leaders willing to adapt and use all available means to overcome the threat. This tradition continues today, as our leaders put defensive measures in place to protect against the latest threat.

It was near this historical place later that day, that MDAA recognized 10 European Missile Defenders from 6 NATO countries including Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and the United States. These Soldiers, Airmen, and Naval Officers were honored for their outstanding performance and commitment to being the best missile defenders in Europe. The capabilities, expertise, and leadership of these men play a vital role in Europe’s missile defense mission and in deterring adversaries that pose a threat to the continent.

The winners of the 2016 MDAA European Missile Defender of the Year Awards are:

Captain Arnold Ansquer
France’s 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by Col Benoit Consolini; Strategy Division Chief, DACOS CJFAC, AIRCOM Headquarters

Master Sergeant Dustin Heise
Germany’s 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by BG Michael Gschossmann; Commander, Ground-Based Units
Air Force Forces Command

Colonel Antonio Evangelio
Italy’s 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by Brig Gen Kevin Huyck; Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Headquarters Allied Air Command

Commander Fred Douglas
Netherlands’ 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by BGEN G.F. Koot, Deputy Director Plans at the Defence Staff

Captain Juan Jerónimo Villalón Carbellido
Spain’s 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by Col Juan Luis Cenarruzabeitia Achia-Allende; A7 Division Head, AIRCOM Headquarters

Sergeant Joseph H. Frey
U.S. Army’s 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by LTG Ben Hodges; Commanding General, U.S. Army Europe

Lieutenant Colonel Kevin D. Miller
U.S. Air Force’s 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by Maj Gen John McMullen; Director of Operations, Strategic Deterrence, and Nuclear Integration at Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe

Lieutenant Commander John K. Mastriani
U.S. Navy’s 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by CAPT Kevin Hanson; Deputy Commander, Task Force Sixty-Four

Major Ignacio Galindo
NATO’s 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by Col Juan Luis Cenarruzabeitia Achia-Allende; A7 Division Head, AIRCOM Headquarters

Lieutenant Colonel Ralf Zwingmann
Career Achievement 2016 European Missile Defender of the Year

Award presented by BG Michael Gschossmann; Commander, Ground-Based Units
Air Force Forces Command

Congratulations to the 2016 European Missile Defenders, you are truly the best of the best!

Link to additional photos from the event.

Additional Photos from the U.S. Army’s 10th AAMDC’s Facebook page (must log into Facebook)

Mission Statement

MDAA’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces, and its allies against missile threats.

MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to educate the American public about missile defense issues and to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. We are a non-partisan membership-based and membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity.