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United States Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request, March 13, 2023

The number one priority of the 2022 National Defense Strategy is “ To Defend the U.S. Homeland, paced to the growing multi-domain threat posed by the Peoples Republic of China.” The Number 2 priority “Deter strategic attacks against the United States, our Allies and our partners”. The Number Three priority “ Deter aggression, while being prepared to prevail in conflict, should deterrence fail, focusing first on the PRC challenge in the Indo-Pacific, followed by Russia challenge in Europe. ” DOD 2024 Budget.

These are the top three priorities that the “Department of Defense will act urgently to sustain and strengthen US Military credibility and deterrence capability.” DOD 2024 Budget. 

The Fiscal Year 2024 DOD Budget released today by DOD that will implements this strategy clearly and with resolution states that “ China is the key strategic competitor and Russia remains an acute threat to interests of the U.S. and our allies.” In this budget of $842 billion is a 20 percent increase in Missile Defense and Missile Defeat which combines offense with defense in negating the missile threat to the United States Homeland, its forces forward and its allies. There is a bigger additional $80 billion that includes pieces and parts of Missile Defense capabilities : $16.7 billion for building enduring advantages, $14 billion for campaigning in INDOPACOM and EUCOM, $11 billion for subsonic missiles, 5 billion for Space Missile tracking, $1.4 billion for JADC2.

The MDA budget included in the Missile Defense Missile Defeat category is for 10.9 billion, an increase of 13% from a year ago that does not reflect equally the 20% increase in the overall Missile Defeat and Missile Defense growth from a year ago.

The greater Department of Defense is increasing its overall spend on Missile Defense capabilities at a larger rate than MDA, highlighting the MDA development and showing the priority of the mission as well as growth in its value to all services.

 $29.8 billion for Missile Defeat and Defense

  • Develops the Next Generation Interceptor for Ground-Based Midcourse Defense, and extends the service life of the current interceptor fleet.
  • Increases investments in regional missile defense network with Patriot Missiles, a Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor, additional Short Range Air Defense Battalions, and hypersonic weaponry and defenses.
  • Develops a resilient Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) capability in LEO and MEO, and continues to field the Next Generation Polar program.
  • Integrates the THAAD Battery capability into the Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) planning process, and continues development of the 8th THAAD Battery. 
  • Funds advanced innovation technologies and demonstrations, including investments involving cyber operations and hypersonic strike capabilities
  • Invests $1.5 billion for the Defense of Guam against the missile threat from China Integrated Deterrence.

$11 billion for hypersonic and subsonic missiles to:

Increase procurement and improve capability of highly survivable subsonic weapons 

  • Field second land-based cruise missile battery in FY 24
  • Increase capacity and expand target sets for Tomahawk, including fielding the maritime strike Tomahawk in FY 25
  • Maximize LRASM and SM-6 procurement quantities

Integrated Deterrence Space and Space Based Systems

Missile Warning: $5.0 billion to develop new proliferated Resilient Missile Warning / Missile Tracking architectures, Next-Gen Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) space and associated ground architectures.

Campaigning Indo Pacific and Europe

Indo-Pacific Investments:

  • Prioritizes China as the preeminent pacing challenge, developing capabilities and operational concepts suited to the Indo-Pacific
  • Supports the priorities of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command for comparative U.S. military advantage
  • Pacific Deterrence: $9.1B in critical investments including resilient and distributed air basing, new missile warning and tracking architecture, construction to enable enhanced posture, funding for defense of Guam and Hawaii, and multinational information sharing, training, and experimentation.

Europe: Continue Countering Russian Aggression

  • Recognizes DoD’s combat credible posture in Europe deters Russian aggression against NATO, strengthens alliance cohesion and, over time, enables partner capability and capacity.
  • Maintains the Department’s commitment to NATO collective security, working alongside Allies and partners to deter, defend, and build resilience against further Russian military aggression and acute forms of gray zone coercion.
  • Invests nearly $5.0B to continue to adapt capabilities to the evolving threat and strategic environment, building on foundational investments i

Additionally, INDOPACOM increased their request by $3 billion (33%) to total $9.1 billion compared to FY 2023 at $6.1 billion. EUCOM increased their request by $800 million to total $5 billion compared to $4.2 billion in 2023. 

Building Enduring Advantages

In addition, $1.4 billion has been requested for JADC2.

This budget leverages unprecedented use of Multi-year Procurement authorities provided by Congress to deliver critical munitions affordably, while bolstering our inventories and providing a more predictable demand signal to the industry. MYPs in PB 24 include: RIM-174 Standard Missile (SM-6) (Navy), Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) (Air Force / Navy).

Builds on prior investments through FY 24 budget investment of $16.7 billion for Construction and Family Housing programs supporting our people, enhancing deterrence, and improving critical operational infrastructure. It includes: $2.4 billion for projects advancing the European Deterrence Initiative, Pacific Deterrence Initiative, and the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent program.

For missile interceptors, THAAD and SM-3 Block IIA and IB are all requested to be increased. 11 THAAD missile systems are requested, and 39 SM-3 Block IIA and IB missile systems for 2024. 230 PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancements (MSE) are also requested to upgrade current PAC-3 interceptors. There is also the procurement of 1 COLUMBIA Class Ballistic Missile Submarine for 2024. 

Missile Defense Agency (MDA)

Overview: The Missile Defense Agency’s $10.9 billion budget request would expand regional and homeland defense, while also tackling hypersonic glide vehicles that pose new challenges to existing systems.

The request is up from the $10.4 billion lawmakers gave the agency last year.

Guam defense: The agency requests $397.6 million to continue the development of a missile defense system for Guam, which is a key pillar of the Pacific Deterrence Initiative.

This includes a radar to provide tracking against long-range missile threats.

The Missile Defense Agency also requests $169.6 million in funding for the Aegis Guam System and vertical launch equipment.

Hypersonic defense: The agency requests $209 million to competitively develop and deliver a glide phase interceptor as part of a new plan to counter hypersonic threats. This effort includes the development of a new interceptor and modifying the existing Aegis Weapons System to defeat hypersonic threats in the glide phase.

Click here to read the United States Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request

Mission Statement

MDAA’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces, and its allies against missile threats.

MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to educate the American public about missile defense issues and to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. We are a non-partisan membership-based and membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity.