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Gen. Stephen Whiting, Commander, US Space Command, testifying before Congress on Thursday, March 21st, 2024.

“Our biggest challenge today is the speed at which the People’s Republic of China continues to develop its space capabilities and in particular they are developing a number of counter space weapon systems to hold at risk our Space Systems. They’re also using space to enable their terrestrial forces–their Army, their Navy, their Air Force, and Marines–to make them more lethal, more precise, and more far-ranging. I would ask the Congress’s support to continue to invest, particularly in the United States Space Force, but also in the other services that provide us capability at US Space Command because they have to now take our current constellations and make them more resilient; they have to develop systems that can protect and defend those constellations. We need capabilities to protect the Joint Force from the space-enabling capabilities of others and then we need a testing and training environment that allows us to know with confidence that our Space Systems will work the way we need them to.”

– General Stephen Whiting, Commander, U.S. Space Command

General Whiting’s answer was given in testimony yesterday at the House Armed Services Committee strategic forces posture hearing (link), in response to Congressman Carbajal’s question: “What do you think the biggest challenge is in the space domain, and how can Congress help you overcome this challenge?”

“NORAD and NORTHCOM depend on robust space-based capabilities to execute each of our critical missions, and the strategic deterrent remains the foundation of our homeland defense. The strong partnerships I enjoy with my fellow witnesses are crucial. The US and Canada face a complex strategic environment: our competition has fielded advanced kinetic systems designed to strike civilian and military infrastructure in North America, both above and below the nuclear threshold. As stated in the national defense strategy, the PRC remains our pacing challenge as the PLA modernizes and grows at a rapid pace. The PRC’s expanding nuclear capability and capacity, along with its development of modern submarines, missiles, and hypersonic weapons all present significant challenges for homeland defense. While the PRC’s capabilities are growing quickly, Russia is a threat to the homeland today and is an immediate concern. Russia retains the world largest stockpile of strategic and nonstrategic nuclear weapons and has the capacity to strike inside North America with air and sea launch precision conventional weapons. Despite heavy losses to its ground forces in Ukraine, Russia has invested heavily in systems that can threaten the US, such as advanced guided missiles, submarines, hypersonic glide vehicles, and ICBMs. Russia also maintains significant cyber and undersea capabilities, and developmental systems such as nuclear torpedoes and nuclear powered cruise missiles. Meanwhile, North Korea continues its rhetoric while test-launching increasingly advanced long range missiles and expanding ties with Russia and China. While Iran currently lacks the capability to strike North America with long range missiles, it is investing in the capability. Iran also supports violent military groups in the region and maintains a worldwide network of international surrogates. With those risks firmly in mind, NORAD and NORTHCOM strive to begin homeland defense well beyond North America. To do so, both commands are working with the Joint Services and Congress to improve domain awareness in order to detect, track, and defeat threats ranging from long range ballistic missiles to small UASs. Finally, upon taking command I began a 90 day assessment to inform the Department, the Joint Force, and Congress on NORAD’s and NORTHCOM’s abilities to execute assigned tasks and make recommendations on where the command can and should do more. Once complete, I will share my fundings and updated vision for how NORAD and NORTHCOM will best execute the noble mission of homeland defense. The challenges facing our nation are real, but there should be no doubt about NORAD’s and NORTHCOM’s resolve to deter aggression and, if necessary, defeat threats to our nation and our citizens.”

– General Gregory M. Guillot, Commander, U.S. Northern Command, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

World Space is threatened and World Space has to be defended for our National Security and our World Security.

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MDAA’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces, and its allies against missile threats.

MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to educate the American public about missile defense issues and to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. We are a non-partisan membership-based and membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity.