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Yesterday, MDA Director Vice Admiral James Syring briefed the public on the Missile Defense Agency’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request.

MDA is requesting $7.5 billion for the development and deployment of U.S. missile defense systems FY 2017, which includes:
  • $1.0 billion for U.S. Ground Based Midcourse (GMD)System
  • $274 million to continue development of the Redesigned Kill Vehicle (RKV)
  • $630 million for EPAA Phase 3
  • $514 million for Aegis BMD Systems
  • $73 million for Operations and Maintenance for Aegis BMD
  • $106 million for SM-3 IIA development
  • $26 million for AN/SPY-1 Refurbishment Program
  • $370 million to continue procurement of THAAD equipment, including 24 THAAD interceptors and one radar training device
  • $270 million for for THAAD developmental efforts
  • $72 million for Operations and Maintenance for upkeep of all BMDS unique items of fielded THAAD batteries and training devices
  • $491 million to develop, deploy, test and sustain radars such as AN/TPY-2 and UEWR
  • $440 million to complete development and fielding of Spiral 8.2-1 which will enhance C2BMC track, discrimination, and battle management capability to integrate additional space sensors and sustain current Spiral 6.4 C2BMC global capability
  • $69 million for the Sea Based X-Band radar
  • $162 million to continue the development of the Long Range Discrimination Radar
  • $155 million in MILCON for Phase One, a Shielded Mission Control Facility and Radar Foundation
  • $20 million in the BMD Space program for the Space-based Kill Assessment Experiment
  • $32 million for Space Tracking and Surveillance System satellite operations and sustainment
  • $72 million in Weapons Technology to build the technological foundation for the next-generation laser system
  • $90 million for Technology Maturation Initiatives to build on the foundational successes in Weapons Technology and Discrimination Sensor Technology
  • $72 million for the Multi-Object Kill Vehicle Program
  • $23 million for the Advanced Research Program to conduct innovative research and development with small business, universities, and international partners
  • $18 million for the Advanced Concepts & Performance Assessment effort
MDA’s total budget request represents 1.3% of the $582.7 billion DoD FY 2017 budget request.
Click here for a video of VADM Syring’s briefing
Click here to read a transcript of VADM Syring’s briefing
Click here for MDA’s FY17 Budget overview

Mission Statement

MDAA’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces, and its allies against missile threats.

MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to educate the American public about missile defense issues and to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. We are a non-partisan membership-based and membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity.