Aloha, Members and Friends,
In Team building and Team recognition for the Indo-Pacific Missile Defense Team, we set the conditions of trust and honor in recognition of our best Missile Defense defenders from our Nation and from our Pacific Allies and Partners in hosting the Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of The Year Award Ceremony 2024 this past Wednesday, December 4th in Honolulu, Hawaii. This marks our 5th Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of the Year and our 79th Missile Defender of the Year event in recognizing 974 recipients from 22 nations. This year, 2024, we brought the Pacific Missile Defense Team together like no other year before in international participation as we hosted our allies and partners in a winning, trusting setting with our United States joint force and from Australia, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, India, Canada, France, and The United Kingdom. Brigadier General Patrick Costello, the 94th AAMDC Commander and the Leader of the Indo-Pacific Missile Defense Team, provided vision, togetherness, honor, and leadership, inspiring all to make the Indo-Pacific safer. We honored our best of the best warfighters and missile defense operators in the INDOPACOM for 2024 from the United States and our Pacific Allies as the World Champions in this vital and critical mission.
Congratulations to our World Champions of Missile Defense from the Indo-Pacific
Introducing our 2024 Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of the Year awardees

Winners Ascociate With Winners To Win!