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The House Armed Service Committee (HASC) has released its full committee markup of the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA is a yearly bill that authorizes the budget for the Department of Defense, including the four services and the Missile Defense Agency.

The following is a summary of the segments of the HASC’s NDAA bill that directly pertain to U.S. Missile Defense. This version of the bill must now be submitted to the full House of Representatives for approval, where it will be subject to further debate and amendments. Once passed by the full House, it will move to a Joint Committee to be reconciled with the Senate version of the bill, before moving back the House and Senate for a final up or down vote.

The summary published by the HASC says that this bill  “accelerates development of a next-generation missile defense interceptor; modifies the Aegis Ashore Sites in Romania and Poland to provide them with Anti-Air Warfare capability, for self-defense; and, planning for the relocation of the Sea-based X-band radar to add to the missile defense of the United States from an Iranian intercontinental ballistic missile, including siting a new homeport on the East Coast.”

The FY 2016 HASC NDAA markup contains certain provisions concerning U.S. missile defense spending:

  1.  Limitations on the Availability of Funds for Patriot Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Capability of the Army – This amendment requires an analysis of alternatives for lower tier air and missile defense to be conducted, and for the lower tier air and missile defense program (line 1 under procurement below) to be consistent with that analysis. The amendment goes on to provide a provision for the DOD to waive these limitations under certain circumstances.
  2.  Availability of Funds for Iron Dome Short-Range Rocket Defense System – This amendment would forbid more than $41.4 million to be spent on radars for the Iron Dome system, out of the $55 million authorized. It would also codify the bilateral co-production agreements of Iron Dome components.
  3. Israeli Cooperative Missile Defense Programs Co-Development and potential Co-Production – This amendments requires that U.S. procurement spending on the David’s Sling and Arrow III programs include co-production of parts by U.S. industry, and makes the use of these funds contingent upon a matching of funds by the Israeli government, transparency on procured items, joint approval of third party sales, and otherwise be consistent with bilateral agreements concerning the Israeli Cooperative Missile Defense Programs.

Individual Budget Line Items (in thousands of dollars)

Program ——————————————————– Authorization (+/- DOD Request)


Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense (AMD) ——————————- 115,075

MSE Missile (Patriot) ———————————————————-414,946

Patriot Modifications ————————————————————241,883

Air & Missile Defense Planning and Control System ———————-28,176

DDG-51 ————————————————————————–3,149,703

THAAD ————————————————————————–464,067

Aegis BMD ———————————————————————-558,916 (+117,880)

SM-3 IB Advance Procurement ———————————————–0 (-147,765)

BMDS An/TPY-2 Radars —————————————————–78,634

Aegis Ashore Phase III ———————————————————30,587

Iron Dome ———————————————————————– 55,000

David’s Sling ——————————————————————–150,000 (+150,000)

Arrow 3 —————————————————————————15,000 (+15,000)

Research, Development, Test and Evaluation

Army Missile Defense Systems Integration ————————————10,347

PAC-3/MSE Missile —————————————————————2,272

Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense (AIAMD) ————————-214,099

Patriot Product Improvement —————————————————–105,816

Missile/Air Defense Product Improvement Program ————————–3,154

Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) ————————————— 241,754

Space Based Infrared Systems (SBIRS) High EMD ————————-302,235 (-10,000)

Common Kill Vehicle Technology ———————————————–2,316 (-44,558) (funding moved to Multiple Object Kill Vehicle)

Ballistic Missile Defense Terminal Defense Segment ————————-228,231

Ballistic Missile Defense Midcourse Defense Segment ———————–1,284,891

Multiple Object Kill Vehicle ——————————————————86,525 (+86,525)

Ballistic Missile Defense Sensors ————————————————223,588

BMD Enabling Programs ———————————————————409,088

High Power Directed Energy ——————————————————30,291 (+30,291)

Special MDA Programs ————————————————————–400,387

Aegis BMD —————————————————————————- 870,675 (+27,320)

Space Tracking and Surveillance Systems —————————————–31,632

Ballistic Missile Defense Command and Control, Battle Management——– 450,083

Ballistic Missile Defense Joint Warfighter Support —————————— 49,570

Missile Defense Integrations and Operations Center—————————– 49,211

Sea Based X-Band Radar ———————————————————– 72,866

Israeli Cooperative Development Programs (David’s Sling, Arrow III) —— 267,595 (+164,800)

Ballistic Missile Defense Test ——————————————————– 274,323

Ballistic Missile Defense Test Targets ———————————————–513,256

Long Range Discrimination Radar ————————————————— 137,564

Improved Homeland Defense Interceptors ——————————————-278,944

Ballistic Missile Defense Terminal Segment Test ———————————–26,225

Aegis BMD Test ————————————————————————55,148

BMD Sensor Test ———————————————————————- 86,764

Land-Based SM-3 ———————————————————————- 34,970

SM-3 Block IIA Co-Development —————————————————-172,645

Ballistic Missile Defense Midcourse Segment Test ——————————– 64,618

Military Construction 

East Coast Missile Site Planning and Design —————————————- 30,000
AEGIS Shore Missile Defense Complex———————————————  144,916

Read the full bill, H.R. 1735.


Mission Statement

MDAA’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces, and its allies against missile threats.

MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to educate the American public about missile defense issues and to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. We are a non-partisan membership-based and membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity.