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Representative Matt Gaetz at the U.S. Military Posture and National Security Challenges in the Indo-Pacific Region Hearing, April 18, 2023

“We have this leak that showed that China could launch one of these hypersonic glide capabilities 2100 km, that it could get there in 12 minutes, and I actually don’t think it can’t be too classified because it was a year ago Admiral, that you were before the Senate Armed Services Committee, and you seemed to be giving the warning, at that time, that we saw manifest at this leak. You said, “The hypersonic glide vehicle threat poses a serious threat to the US and allied forces in the region and we require a near-term initial defense capability to meet this challenge.” I read in between the lines of that to say you require the capability in the near term because you didn’t have the capability when you gave that testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, not in a classified committee but in open hearing. So I guess, my question to you, because I sense you are the truth teller on a lot of these things. Have you acquired the capabilities since this testimony?” – Rep. Matt Gaetz, April 18, 2023

“The Department is working on the ability to do hypersonic defense. Congressman, again I stand by what I said, I am concerned about it and…” – Admiral John Aquilino, April 18, 2023

“And it’s still true today, that statement that you made to the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2021. You wouldn’t revise that or change that, that is as true as we sit here today? – Rep. Matt Gaetz, April 18, 2023 

A top secret report by the Joint Chiefs’ J-2 intelligence directorate leaked the details of a successful Chinese test of a new hypersonic IRBM called the DF-27. The report stated that the “‘DF-27 is designed to enhance [China’s] ability to hold targets at risk beyond the Second Island Chain and possesses a high probability of penetrating U.S.” ballistic missile defense.” The report affirmed that the DF-27 flew for 12 minutes and traveled a total of 2,100 kilometers. Public DoD documents state that the actual range could however be from 5000 to 8000 kilometers. The lethality is compounded by its addition of speed and maneuverability to challenge the current missile defense systems. 

In the fiscal year 2024 President’s budget, MDA allocated $209 million or 2% percent of their $10 billion dollar budget on Hypersonic Missile Defense with a first deployment of a demonstration Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) by late 2023 and Ground Phase Interceptor (GPI) for Navy Theater Wide missile defense along with Terminal Defense at $109.5 million or 1% of the overall budget with the GPI being deployed operationally for combat in the mid 2030s. In relevancy of a production of a complex missile defense system, the NGI makes up $2.1 billion or 21% of MDA’s budget for a development system to provide 20 interceptors by 2030. On top of it all, On top of that it is not clear if MDA listed Hypersonic Defense as an unfounded request. There is simply not enough leadership, investment or priority being applied against the growing hypersonic missile threat from China and Russia to the United States and its Allies in Europe and in the Indo-Pacific. HBTSS can be pushed to 24 systems by 2028, GPI can be pushed to have capacity and capability by 2028 and terminal hypersonic defense can have rapid capacity by 2028. The Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) does not have sufficient resources applied to developing and deploying a Hypersonic Missile Defense system capable of protecting Guam by 2028. Cutting the budget on the development of GPI due to the longer lead development of HBTSS does not make sense, it should be the inverse — putting more funding into HPTSS and GPI for capability and capacity sooner. We clearly cannot rely on Nuclear Deterrence for preventing regional wars with Russia or China as Ukraine has demonstrated. 

To defeat today’s Hypersonics threats, it would take a layered defensive technical approach of four major systems. However, only one will be deployed operationally for combat by 2024: the partial deployment of Space and/or Near Space Sensors for Warning, Tracking and Targeting (HBTSS– we are looking to have two demonstrations up and require numbers in the twenties and above for combat capability), Development and deployment of Boost Phase interceptors (there is no MDA investment or program for boost phase missile defense) Development of Theater Wide strike interceptors (GPI not projected to combat deploy until mid 2030s and deployment of terminal strike interceptors (Aegis SM-6 type capability off VLS Launchers –  deploying capabilities now require more capacity.)  

“Admiral Aquilino, one of my top priorities is accelerating our work on offensive and defensive Hypersonic capabilities. China’s significant investments in their hypersonics which they view as an important element of their regional warfighting strategy are extremely troubling. Their progress is undeniable. In 2021, they did around the world a fractional orbital bombardment demonstration. They have intermediate-range Hypersonic capability that can hit targets thousands of miles away and possibly penetrate our defenses. By contrast, our progress has been slow and has lacked urgency. I think we need, if not quantitative parity, at least qualitative parity. Can you share the challenges you face in deterring China based on their current superiority in hypersonics and what is your best military advice on the need for the U.S to field these hypersonic capabilities?” – Rep. Doug Lamborn, Chairman of Strategic Forces Subcommittee, April 18, 2023

“So again, in alignment with the theme that I’ve started here today, we need to go faster. The concerning part about the PRC is both the pace, the speed, and the advanced capabilities that they continue to deliver and demonstrate, and to deliver a credible deterrent we certainly need the ability to counter and or exceed. Currently our military far exceeds anything China can deliver. In this particular lane, we need to go faster.” – Admiral John Aquilino, April 18, 2023

“We’re clearly going to have to move to a more blended architecture where we understand that if there is an attack that we have a responsibility to protect the American public because right now most Americans believe that if a nuclear weapon is headed at this very moment to Washington DC, whether it be Hypersonic or an ICBM, that we have systems in place to protect them and we do not. It is time though that we do.” – Rep. Mike Turner, FY24 Budget Request for Missile Defense and Defeat Programs Hearing, April 18, 2023

We don’t have 12 years, we may only have 12 months to be ready in 12 minutes for Hypersonic Defense and that might require $12 Billion.

“I think the onus is on us right now to deliver, and if we are successful, and show the opportunity and high potential to accelerate the program, then we will bring that forward to the department, and I know Congress as well is going to be watching this very closely for opportunities to to accelerate.” – Laura DeSimone, Executive Director of Missile Defense Agency, April 27, 2023

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MDAA’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces, and its allies against missile threats.

MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to educate the American public about missile defense issues and to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. We are a non-partisan membership-based and membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity.