164th Air Defense Artillery Brigade Year-In-Review 2020

January 15, 2021

The United States Army:


It was an unprecedented year for the 164th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Brigade, as Soldiers were called to support civilian authorities across the state to help keep Floridians safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, while simultaneously training and mobilizing Soldiers to conduct their Air Defense mission.

In March, 3rd Battalion, 265th Air Defense Artillery launched into 2020, at first in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, setting up the first Community Based Test Site (CBTS) at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. Task Force Lightning was comprised of 172 Lightning Battalion Soldiers, 30 2-124th Infantry Battalion medics, 78 Department of Health (DOH) nurses, and 23 Orange County Law Enforcement Officers. Mobilized from March 14th to April 9, 2020, they tested almost 3,000 Florida citizens, screened over 2,200 vehicles and tested over 750 First Responders along with 850 Health Care Workers…


Click here to read the full article.


Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff