US Army’s Patriot missile defence system successfully downs a ballistic missile target

March 23, 2016

IHS Jane’s 360:

Raytheon’s Patriot Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) system successfully detected, tracked, and destroyed a threat-representative ballistic missile target in the latest test of the missile defence system.

The Patriot Post Deployment Build 8 (PDB-8) system initially fired a Lockheed Martin PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhanced (MSE) interceptor followed by a Raytheon Guidance Enhanced Missile tactical ballistic missile (GEM-T) interceptor during the 17 March exercise.

Patriot commanders need operational flexibility to accomplish their mission because they will face a variety of threats, Jeff Pinasco, director of business development for Raytheon Integrated Air & Missile Defense, told IHS Jane’s on 21 March.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff