Amid Tensions, U.S. and Israeli Defense Officials Recommit as Allies

March 9, 2016

The Wall Street Journal:

NORFOLK, Va. – The Pentagon’s No. 2 civilian official stood beside his Israeli counterpart on a U.S. Navy destroyer equipped with ballistic missile defense systems to say here Tuesday that the alliance between the two countries is “unshakable.”

“Israel is the absolute cornerstone of stability in the Middle East, they are a vibrant democracy and they are in a tough neighborhood without question,” Robert Work, deputy secretary of Defense, said Tuesday aboard the destroyer the USS Stout, in port in Norfolk. “That’s why our commitment to them is unshakable. The coordination between the Department of Defense will always be strong no matter what is happening.”

Mr. Work’s pledge came as the two countries work to finalize tough negotiations over a multi-billion aid package, and despite recurring outbreaks of political hostilities between the Obama administration and the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Earlier Tuesday, the Israeli government announced that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had canceled a planned trip to Washington later this month, during which he to have met with President Barack Obama.
U.S. officials pointed out, however, that Vice President Joe Biden would be meeting with top Israeli officials in Jerusalem Wednesday and that Moshe Ya’alon, the Israeli minister of defense, was expected in Washington next week. Mr. Work traveled to Israel earlier this year.

Dan Harel, the director general of the Israeli defense ministry, accompanied Mr. Work on the ship, which is headed to the eastern Mediterranean Sea later this year. The Israelis are keen to see the capabilities of the Stout, which is equipped with ballistic missile defense systems of the kind that would help to defend Israel should it come under attack.

“The ballistic missile threat is developed and huge, in every moment,” said Mr. Harel, noting that there are thousands of missiles and rockets aimed “at the heart of Israel” from the militant group Hezbollah and other groups in the region. “This is why we develop in cooperation with the United States, sharing all the knowledge and everything.”

Read the full article.


Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff