John Bolton: Obama Weakness on Russia, China ‘Has Made Risk of Hostilities Greater’

February 19, 2016

Breitbart News:

During his appearance on Thursday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon, former U.N. ambassador John Bolton warned that Barack Obama’s weakness has inspired adversaries around the globe to push forward – from Islamist terrorists to serious global powers like Russia and China.

“What the President has done, by reducing our military capability, has made the risk of hostilities greater,” Bolton argued. He said it was time to include major potential adversaries such as Russia and China in our missile defense plans, as well as possible attacks from rogue states like North Korea or Iran, and terrorist deployment of weapons of mass destruction.

“I have to say, as we see Russia getting more and more belligerent, and upgrading its forces… China, in particular, dramatically expanding its missile capabilities and its nuclear stockpile… I think we have to think back to the original Reagan design, in the Strategic Defense Initiative, and at least plan for, and think about, a much more comprehensive national missile defense system,” he advised. “Because it’s the only way we have to protect our innocent civilians. They are the ones most vulnerable today to the likes of North Korea and Iran, and they would be the ones vulnerable down the road.”

Bolton fit China’s militarization of the South China Sea into his near-future threat profile…

For the full article, please click here.


Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff