Beijing targets missile defense move in South Korea

February 16, 2016

The Standard:

The possible US deployment of a missile defense system on the Korean peninsula in response to Pyongyang’s ballistic missile program would threaten China’s strategic interests, Beijing warned.
Washington and Seoul will begin talks about the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System, they said a week ago following a surprise nuclear test and satellite launch by the hermit kingdom that raised fresh concerns about its weapons ambitions.

“We are firmly opposed to the relevant country’s attempts to damage China’s strategic and security interests, with the nuclear issue as an excuse,” foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in Beijing yesterday.

China is “seriously concerned about the possible deployment of the THAAD system,” Hong added, saying it “covers a range that is far beyond the needs of defense of the Korean peninsula.”

Beijing argues the deployment will trigger an arms race in the region.

The system fires anti-ballistic missiles that smash into enemy missiles inside or outside the Earth’s atmosphere during their final flight phase.

The interceptor missiles carry no warheads, relying on kinetic energy to destroy their targets.

Beiijing summoned the South Korean ambassador following the announcement it would begin talks with the United States, expected as early as this week.

China has long urged a resumption of talks over North Korea’s nuclear program, arguing that sanctions are not an end in themselves. China Daily said new United Nations measures “should truly bite” but added the proposed THAAD deployment may prevent agreement on a resolution.

Washington says it will not sit down with Pyongyang until the North takes steps toward halting its nuclear program, a position that Beijing argues has led to the current impasse.


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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff