Rogers Statement on Successful GMD Flight Test

January 30, 2016

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces subcommittee, made the following statement today regarding the successful Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) flight test this week.

“Yesterday’s test is an important validation of our national missile defense capability and I congratulate Vice Admiral Syring and his team at MDA for their success.

“It is fitting that this test occurred as North Korea goes unpunished for its most recent probable nuclear test and as it prepares for a potential ballistic missile test.  It is clear that the threat to the homeland is growing.

“I continue to be concerned by the Administration’s failure to properly resource missile defense.  For example, we must begin to make significant progress in developing boost phase missile defense – the Administration’s decision to kill these capabilities in 2009 has effectively afforded North Korean ballistic missiles sanctuary for the most vulnerable phases of their flight.  That is just not acceptable. We know our enemies will take advantage of any weakness this president shows,” Rogers said.



Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff