Odds Improve For Missile Defense Site At Fort Drum

January 21, 2016

Fox 28 WNYF:

The odds have just improved for what could be a major project at Fort Drum.

It’s down to three possible locations for an East Coast missile defense site.

Missile defense is aimed at shooting down incoming enemy missiles with a ground-based missile of our own.

Now the Missile Defense Agency has crossed a site in Maine off its list because of environmental issues.

That leaves three other possible sites, including Fort Drum, for a $3.3 billion project that would create up to 1,600 military and civilian jobs.

Aside from Fort Drum, the other sites still under consideration are in Ohio and Michigan.

All three sites are now undergoing an environmental assessment.

“Our prospects are good, very good. We have an ideal location. In the end, I think we’ll rise to the top. If it goes forward is another matter,” said Carl McLaughlin, director of the Fort Drum Regional Liaison Organization…

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff