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Riki Ellison speaking at the GMD 20th Celebration, Fort Greely, Alaska Sep 30th 2024.

Dear Members and Friends  

It is great to be back here at Fort Greely, a true nexus of greatness, a true caldron of exceptional American excellence, grit, and complete team play to make American and World History in making America Safer and the World Safer. It’s great to be around World Champions! Who Think Big and Go Fast!!!! To WIN!    

We welcome- Lt. Col. Keith Marshall the base Commander, NORTHCOM NORAD Command, the Missile Defense Agency, the Army Space and Missiles Defense Command, the 100th Missile Defense Command, the 49th Battalion Command, the Soldiers and operators of the GMD System, the Alaska National Guard, the defenders of the base, the Industry Team, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Davidson, and the original plank holders of the crews 20 years ago, led by Ret. Major General John Holly who’s duty was to make GMD operational in under 3 years, and he did. Thank you for being part of this historic recognition of this honor and this dedication to the mission of defending our Homeland on this historic day.    

We celebrate and we recognize the historic significance of operationally deploying the Ground Based Missile Defense 20 years ago, the first ever in the history of our nation and the first ever in the World to defend the entire nation all 50 states from a nuclear ICBM.    

We celebrate that we did it with Unity, with Resolve, with Grit, with Courage, with policies, with authorities, with resources, to Think Big and Go Fast.   

We were here in unity as we saw the first interceptor in missile field one in September of 2004. 

Riki Ellison and MDAA board members at Fort Greely, Alaska September 2004.

The operations of the GMD system 20 years ago that went operationally with 6 ground-based interceptors in missile field one, under three years- is true United States of American Manifestation. 

⁃ It is the manifestation of the 1983 Strategic Defense Initiative put forward by President Ronald Reagan 41 years ago to Defend our population rather than avenge.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of President Bush Senior in putting forward a global limited protection system from Nuclear ICBMs.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of President Clinton in the 1998 act to deploy a Missile Defense system for the homeland as soon as it’s technically proven.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of President George W Bush who put forward a Presidential Directive to build a Ground Based Missile Defense system in under 3 years.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of the United States Congress and the American Public that resourced the system.  

⁃ It is the Manifestation of bipartisanship of Senator Stevens a Republican and Senator Inouye of Hawaii a Democrat.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of the United States NORTHCOM NORAD Command that’s mission is to defend North America and the United States Homeland.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of the Missile Defense Agency and its value to the nation.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of the United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command to Command the mission, the warfighters of the 100th Missile Defense Brigade and the 49th Battalion.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of the National Guard and Alaska National Guard to man this system.    

⁃ It is the manifestation of the industry team that came all together as a team to make history.  

⁃ It is the manifestation of the American Public, the grass root support across our 50 states to be defended.  

It is a World Championship Victory; it is a testament to all of you here and all the organizations you represent that thought Big and went Fast – a stunning accomplishment achieved by multiple outstanding leaders with the courage and vision to set the culture to win!   

It is the culture that won this mission and this mission was won. We are here to recognize it, to reflect on it, to respect it, to love it, and to lead from it.   

We are 20 years forward and our threats have evolved and proliferated to the US Homeland – Our U.S. Homeland is not a sanctuary – We are not just facing North Korea – We are facing a coalition of China, Russia, North Korea and Iran that want to change the world order.   

We had China Launch an ICBM early this week into international waters for the first time in 40 years, we have Russia in the United Nations this week reducing the nuclear threshold, we have China bullying our Pacific allies and partners like never before, we have Russia in an over 2-year combat in Ukraine   

We now have to Think Big and Go Fast again!   

We do that like we did 20 years ago: 







World Champions associate with World Champions to Win 

Mission Statement

MDAA’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces and its allies against missile threats.

MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to educate the American public about missile defense issues and to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. We are a non-partisan membership-based and membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity.