Russia Developing Airships Equipped With Anti-Ballistic Missile Radars

July 13, 2015

Sputnik News:

Airships currently in development  in Russia may be equipped with ballistic missile defense radars, Vladimir Mikheev, advisor for first vice-president of Russia’s KRET concern, told RIA Novosti.

“The principal advantage of an airship is the large surface of its body where radar systems can be mounted. I think some of the airships will be used for anti-ballistic missile defense needs. The antennas of ABM defense radars will be mounted on the cover of an airship. KRET probably will be among the companies which will develop and produce radars of this type,” Mikheev said.

Currently, KRET is conducting such research, “including using the principles of radio-photonics”.

“These radars are capable of detecting intercontinental ballistic missile launches and the flight trajectories of their re-entry vehicles,” he added.

What is more, Mikheev said that KRET has reached agreements on developing on-board electronic systems with a number of airship-making companies. For instance, the Atlant dirigible developed by Avgur aeronautical center will be equipped with KRET-designed avionics.

“It will be equipped with a great number of our devices. It’s a pretty large airship. First of all, if it is used by the Defense Ministry it will provide transportation support for military equipment,” the KRET representative underscored.

KRET is the Russia’s largest radio-electronic systems production company, part of Rostec state-owned corporation. The company consists of more than 95 enterprises and organizations which develop and produce military and civil radio-electronic products.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff