As the missile threat grows in quantity and complexity, the United States and its allies must ensure they can stay ahead of the evolving threat and look towards more efficiency, reliability and persistence in the systems that will be used to negate it. This panel will offer a candid, un-biased and non-partisan view on future trends and developments in ballistic missile defense technology.
The discussion will focus on these three areas:
•Persistent space-based missile defense sensors
•UAV Directed Energy boost-phase ballistic missile defense
•Adaptations to today’s missile defense platforms and future systems
Our Speakers:
Lt Gen Samuel A. Greaves, USAF
Commander, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center
Dr. Kelly Hammett
Chief Engineer, Air Force Research Lab Directed Energy Directorate
Mr. Richard Ritter
Program Executive, C4ISR, Missile Defense Agency
Mr. Richard Matlock
Program Executive for Advanced Technology, Missile Defense Agency