US Missile Defense Ship to Arrive in Spain in Fall 2015

June 5, 2015

Sputnik News:

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The US Navy guided missile destroyer (DDG) is set to arrive in the Spanish city of Rota in fall 2015 to support ballistic defense efforts in Europe, US Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said during his speech at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

“On the other side of the world, we are moving four DDGs, we have three there now, the last one gets there this fall into Rota, Spain,” Mabus said on Tuesday. “Their primary mission is to do ballistic defense work around Europe.”

On Tuesday, Mabus spoke at the AEI about the future of the US Navy and US Marine Corps from their employment of lasers and railguns to drone use.

Mabus also said the United States is also placing more destroyers in the US Navy base in Yokosuka, Japan, an additional submarine in Guam, and four littoral combat ships in Singapore, where the United States will be stationed “for a good while.”

Mabus has served as US Secretary of the Navy since June 2009. Previously, Mabus served as the US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia from and the 59th Mississippi Governor.

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