The Jerusalem Post:
In the shadow of the IDF warnings of a possible attack coming from Iran and its proxies in the region, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) completed on Monday a series of successful live firing trials of the Barak Air Defense System.
The company said that the trials tested the system’s capabilities in a range of scenarios and threats, including the interception of an assaulting ballistic target by the Barak ER (extended range) interceptor.
The Barak ER missile, developed by IAI, combines the capability to intercept air defense threats at a long-range of 150 kilometers and ballistic targets as part of IAI’s Barak interceptors’ family of various ranges.
The extended range capability is made possible in part by adjusting the interceptor and MMR radar capabilities to a 150-km. range.
The vertically launched missile includes a booster, a dual-pulse rocket motor and an advanced radar homing seeker, the company said in a statement…
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