Australia invests in advanced maritime weapons, minehunters

January 27, 2021

Defense News:


Australia’s defense minister announced initiatives, on Monday, that will fund early development work on a range of advanced guided weapons and new mine countermeasures/hydrographic ships for the Royal Australian Navy.

The guided-weapons program, to be developed under Project Sea 1300, is part of a 20-year, AU$24 billion (U.S. $19 billion) investment in maritime weapons, that will deliver long-range anti-ship missiles, extended-range surface-to-air missiles, advanced lightweight torpedoes, and maritime land-strike capabilities to the Navy.

Under Project Sea 1300, the Australian government will continue to invest in the international development program for the Evolved Seasparrow Block 2 surface-to-air missile. Funds will also be used to further develop the SM-2 Block IIIC and SM-6 Block I missiles.

The weapons upgrades will be integrated into the Navy’s current and future major surface combatant fleet, beginning with the eight Anzac-class frigates, which are undergoing a series of upgrades via a midlife capability-assurance program…


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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff