Columbus Dispatch – Ohio’s congressional delegation has sent yet another letter urging the Department of Defense to pick Camp James A. Garfield as the East Coast Missile Defense site.
The letter to acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan led by U.S. Reps. Anthony Gonzalez, R–Rocky River, and Tim Ryan, D–Niles, urges the Defense Department to pick Camp Garfield near Ravenna, saying it would “represent a new and exciting chapter not only for Camp Garfield but for the region in which the Camp is located” and touts strong transportation, a “vibrant and diverse workforce,” and a strong education system as reasons to pick Ravenna.
“The state of Ohio has a proud history of contributing to the nation’s defense and to other government projects, at sites like Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center,” they wrote, noting that adding the missile defense site to Camp Garfield “would represent a significant contribution to this legacy.”
The letter was signed by both of the state’s senators as well as every U.S. House member except Rep. Mike Turner, R–Dayton, who could not sign onto the letter because he authored the bill calling for the east coast site.