Russia Could Revise Commitment to START Due to ‘Unfriendly’ US Actions

January 14, 2015

GENEVA, January 13 (Sputnik) — Russia could revise its commitment to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) in response to ‘unfriendly’ US actions, the head of the Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.

“We have not taken any concrete steps in this direction, but I am not ruling out the possibility that Washington could force us to do so, to adjust our policy in this area,” Mikhail Ulyanov told RIA Novosti.

“It would be quite natural, considering the unfriendly nature of US actions [in regard to Russia],” Ulyanov said.

The diplomat underlined that Russia’s response could involve revision of cooperation with Washington both in the framework of the START treaty and in the area of non-proliferation.

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