Guam adviser urges calm after North Korea threat

August 16, 2017

Over News Magazine:

Current and former USA officials said if war did come, the US and its allies would likely hit hard and fast, using air strikes, drone operations and cyberattacks aimed at military bases, air bases, missile sites, artillery, communications, command and control headquarters and intelligence gathering and surveillance capabilities.

Pyongyang’s threats to launch four missile strikes near the U.S. territory has stirred global curiosity in the remote Pacific destination, with it trending heavily on search engines as social media users wondered, “what is Guam?”.

According to Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA), a non-profit organization dedicated to generate public support for missile defense systems in the United State, Guam is covered by a US missile defense system deployed permanently by the Defense Department at Andersen Air Force Base, which includes the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system and the AN/TPY-2 radar system.

“Our office hasn’t received too many concerned calls”, Jenna Gaminde, a spokeswoman for Guam Homeland Security, told The Washington Post on Friday about the U.S…

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff