North Korea Missile Update

May 19, 2017

Washington Examiner:

Experts and analysts have been poring over the available information about the weekend test of North Korea’s new medium range missile that was fired nearly straight up into space and down again, presumably to test its reentry vehicle designed to carry a nuclear warhead. If the missile has been fired on a traditional trajectory it could have traveled 3,000 miles, far enough to hit U.S. bases in Guam. Here are some facts assembled by the independent Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance:

“The Hwasong-12 is a liquid-fueled single-stage missile with a liquid divert and altitude capability for accuracy of targeting on its bus capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. It was launched from a transportable erected launcher (TEL) of which it was disengaged from the mobile platform before it was launched. The Hwasong-12 was one of four new missiles displayed in that April 15th parade that had not seen testing; two of the four were new ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) and the third, a new maneuverable SCUD short-range ballistic missile.”

Read the full article.


Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff