MDAA Alerts

October 28, 2014

We Call It the KN-08

The North Korean long-range mobile ICBM missile with one or more nuclear warheads called the KN-08, is a primary threat

October 24, 2014

Please Recycle

The outgoing United States Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) who serves on the Homeland Security Committee and the Senate Select Committee

October 22, 2014

Arab Power Partnership

Supporting our allies is the foundation of United States’ strength as a democracy, and is a reflection of our nation’s

October 19, 2014

United We Stand For the United Arab Emirates

Yesterday evening  MDAA had the honor to bring together our joint U.S. and Emirati air and missile defense forces in

October 14, 2014

There to Stay

Last Friday, the United States Navy assumed command of the base in Deveselu, Romania that will house an operating, fully

September 30, 2014

Build It and They Will Not Come

Dear Members and Friends, Today, September 30, 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of operations of the U.S. Ground-Based Midcourse missile defense

September 19, 2014

Informational Flow

Dear Members and Friends, Yesterday, MDAA hosted and set a precedent in its platform on educational advocacy for missile defense

September 17, 2014

Iron Dome: An Assessment

Dear Members and Friends, The Iron Dome is the most heavily used rocket and mortar defense system in the world.

August 25, 2014

Great Danes

Denmark has announced that they will contribute to NATO’s missile defense architecture in Europe by enhancing their naval frigates with

May 14, 2014

On Top of the World

Dear Members and Friends,   The highest point in North America is Mt. McKinley, Alaska. The single most ideal place