MDAA Alerts

March 20, 2015

“It is a Must.”

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, the Missile Defense Agency presented their fiscal year 2016 budget to the oversight of

March 19, 2015

How to Find a Lethal Object

Amongst the defense budget hearings this week in Congress, the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance held an open roundtable discussion on

March 16, 2015

Left of Launch

In a short memo to the Secretary of Defense from the Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno and the Chief

March 13, 2015

NORAD/NORTHCOM Commander Admiral Gortney on BMD Sensors

Yesterday, Admiral William E. Gortney testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee at the U.S. Northern Command and U.S Southern

March 4, 2015

Nuclear Fallout

It is extremely rare that a foreign Head of State addresses our United States Congress without the consent of the

March 2, 2015

Between a ROK and a Hard Place

Earlier today, North Korea launched two short-ranged ballistic missiles in an apparent response to the annual joint U.S. and South

February 25, 2015

Aegis Test Shows U.S. Ability to Defeat North Korea, Iran Missile Raids

Washington D.C. – February 25, 2015 –Three Aegis BMD ships tracked and discriminated three short-ranged target ballistic missiles on Tuesday morning

February 25, 2015

The More the Merrier

On Tuesday morning, off the coast of Virginia near Wallops Island, three United States Aegis BMD Destroyers – the USS

February 24, 2015

Not Lost in Translation

Yesterday evening in Yokosuka, Japan, MDAA hosted a recognition of the U.S. 7th Fleet and Japanese Maritime Self Defense Forces’

February 24, 2015

Event Recognizing USS Shiloh and JS Kirishima Shows Depth of US-Japan Unity

Yokosuko, Japan – February 24, 2015 — Yesterday, at an event sponsored by the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, the commanders