MDAA Alerts

July 2, 2021

Welcome to the Club

This week Switzerland, a land locked neutral country surrounded by NATO nations, chose to invest in the defense of their

June 23, 2021

“We Dare Not Tempt Them With Weakness”

With deliberate intent and less than a week after President Biden and President Putin held face to face talks, seven

June 17, 2021

Partnership with the University of Southern California

The Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, in partnership with the University of Southern California (USC) and its Sol Price School of

June 17, 2021

Great Power Competition

In at time of Great Power Competition with the historic precedent of the first meeting of President Biden and President

June 10, 2021

Formidable Accomplishment

As President Biden heads to Europe on his first foreign trip as President, he is focused on building greater collaboration

June 8, 2021

“Iron Will”

MDAA’s own Major General John G. Rossi Fellow, CPT (P) Cody M. Davis, provides a first hand account of Iron

June 2, 2021


With the contours of missile defense expanding into the domains of space, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. MDAA is expanding

May 28, 2021


Moments of reflection come upon us on the sacrifices of those that served this nation with sacrifice, unknown and known.

May 26, 2021

Good Tactics

On the 10th anniversary of NATO’s unanimous decision to develop a capability to protect the Alliance’s European members from ballistic missile

May 18, 2021

Our Newest Addition

In alignment of our mission to make the nation and the world safer through the advocacy of development and deployment