Threat News

September 19, 2016

North Korea’s Rodong missiles have increased in strike accuracy, report says

UPI: North Korea’s mid-range Rodong missiles have increased in accuracy as Pyongyang has accelerated weapons development in recent months. A

September 16, 2016

N. Korea ready to attack after US ‘provocations,’ official says

Stars and Stripes: SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea says it’s ready to launch another attack against “provocations” by the

September 16, 2016

China Vital to Countering a More Dangerous North Korea

Council on Foreign Relations: The United States, Japan, and South Korea should forge stronger diplomatic and military ties to motivate

September 16, 2016

South Korea Ups the Ante

STRATFOR: Forecast North Korea will not give up its nuclear arsenal and will continue to pursue nuclear weapons as a

September 16, 2016

Russian Nuclear Weapons Policy Increasingly Resembles That of North Korea

The Jamestown Foundation: Moscow reacted harshly to North Korea’s most recent nuclear test. “Such explicit disregard for the norms of

September 15, 2016

North Korea ramps up uranium enrichment, enough for six nuclear bombs a year

Reuters: North Korea will have enough material for about 20 nuclear bombs by the end of this year, with ramped-up

September 14, 2016

N Korea could mount mini Nuke bomb on Intercontinental Ballistic Missile by 2020

Sputnik International: North Korea is rapidly becoming a nuclear power that could mount a miniaturized nuclear bomb atop an intercontinental ballistic

September 13, 2016

SS-21 Scarab: Russia’s forgotten (but deadly) ballistic missile

The National Interest: While NATO may preoccupied with the capabilities of Russia’s Iskander missile, the far more primitive Tochka, codenamed the

September 13, 2016

Russia test fires intercontinental ballistic missile

The Diplomat: The primary aim of the missile drill was to test the ICBM’s capability to overcome advanced missile defense

September 13, 2016

“It’s not funny anymore’- This graphic shows the reach of North Korea’s ballistic missiles

Business Insider: WASHINGTON, DC — North Korea’s fifth and largest nuclear test last Friday was a wake-up call to us all. “The tone