MDAA Alerts

July 29, 2022

American Grand Strategy

In a week in the heat of our nation’s biggest and most horrific battlefield, we were taught the strategic lessons

July 21, 2022

Solutions to the Missile Threat to Europe and Its Partners

“We’ve had a phenomenal trip last week, and having drawn discussions on what the challenges are for NATO, for our

July 15, 2022

Defending Europe From Cruise Missiles

As the unprovoked Russian invasion prepares to enter its sixth month, Ukraine’s air and missile defense systems, some organic and

July 12, 2022

The Essential Mission of Europe – Defend It

We witnessed the change of command today at Sembach Kaserne, Germany of the most critical mission in Europe – the

July 7, 2022

It’s Time To Lead

On June 19, 2022, China executed a successful space intercept of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) target. The success of

July 1, 2022

The Reign In Spain

“We will significantly strengthen our deterrence and defence posture to deny any potential adversary any possible opportunities for aggression. To

June 29, 2022

Combined Power

Today and tomorrow, NATO is meeting in Madrid to discuss its new strategic construct, focusing on how to best deter

June 27, 2022

Cauldron of Academic Excellence

We are moving forward from the great success of our first inaugural Executive Global Space and Defense Program that we

June 24, 2022

Exponentially Better

Today, the proliferation of missiles across the world poses a threat to western democracies. This threat, coupled with the inefficiencies

June 23, 2022

Keys to the Kingdom

On Monday, the Canadian Defense Minister announced a budget of 4.9 billion Canadian Dollars that would be put toward various