
January 13, 2023

US, Japan poised to agree on shift in Marine unit on Okinawa

AP News: Top national security officials from the United States and Japan are expected to agree to changes in the

January 11, 2023

US wants missile-armed troops in Okinawa: report

Taipei Times: The US wants to disperse US Marine units throughout Japan’s Okinawa islands by 2026, arming them with missiles

January 9, 2023

Missile plan gives Japan, US clout over Chinese navy, expert says

Stars and Stripes: New Japanese and U.S. missiles have the potential to overwhelm China’s powerful and rapidly growing navy in

December 19, 2022

Japan & US Set Up New Cell To Analyse Chinese Military Activities In East China Sea

Republic World: Washington and Tokyo have set up a new team called US-Japan Bilateral Intelligence Analysis Cell to analyse information

December 7, 2022

Japan to work with U.S. on joint counterattack capability plan

Nikkei Asia: Japan will prepare a joint operational plan with the U.S. military for a “counterattack capability” to strike missile

December 7, 2022

Russia deploys Bastion anti-ship missile system to another island near Japan

Stars and Stripes: Russia has deployed more coastal defense missiles near disputed islands north of Japan, according to Russian and

December 6, 2022

Japan considers joining IAMD, US-led missile defense system

The Donga: The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported on Monday that the Japanese government is considering a measure to specify building

December 5, 2022

Japan plans to almost triple missile defense units in remote islands

Kyodo News: Japan is considering almost tripling the number of units in its Self-Defense Forces equipped with ballistic missile interception

December 2, 2022

Japan ruling bloc to agree on acquiring ‘counterstrike capability’

The Mainichi: Japan’s ruling parties agreed Friday that the country should pledge to acquire a “counterstrike capability” to address the

November 30, 2022

Japan considers preemptive missile strikes to defend against an imminent attack

Stars and Stripes: Japan is looking to acquire a “counterstrike capability” to take out enemy missile sites if the country