Other News

February 8, 2018

Abe and Pence say no divide on North Korea during Tokyo meeting, warn against Pyongyang’s ‘smile diplomacy’

The Japan Times: Amid signs of a gradual thaw in inter-Korean relations and a growing divide between Seoul and Tokyo,

February 6, 2018

India Successfully Test-Fires Short Range Nuclear Capable Ballistic Missile Agni-I

NDTV: BALASORE, ODISHA: India today successfully test-fired its short-range nuclear capable ballistic missile Agni-I with a strike range of over

February 5, 2018

‘Now Is the Moment’: Russia Urges US to Resume Dialogue on Missile Defense

Sputnik International: MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia and the United States should resume their dialogue on missile defense in light of

February 2, 2018

Israeli Military to Establish New Ground-to-ground Missile Force

Haaretz: Defense minister Avigdor Lieberman has instructed the Israel Defense Forces to establish a new force of ground-to-ground missiles with

January 31, 2018

Worker who sent Hawaii missile false alarm believed threat was real

NBC News: The emergency management worker who sent a false missile alert that led to a terrifying 38 minutes for Hawaii

January 31, 2018

North Korea Missile Threat Brings Back Talk of ‘Star Wars’ Defenses

VOA: Scientists and American space agency officials led efforts by the United States to develop a space-based missile defense system

January 30, 2018

Raytheon May Build Hypersonic Weapons to Keep America Ahead of Russia and China

The National Interest: The Pentagon is working on countering the growing technological prowess of Russia and China by investing in

January 30, 2018

Russia sold antitank missiles to Armenia

News.Az: According to REGNUM, the Kornet-E complexes were supplied from Russia among the armaments received by Armenia on account of

January 30, 2018

Hawaii officials to release results from investigation on false missile alarm

CNN News: (CNN)Hawaii officials have concluded their internal investigation into the false alert that told residents that a ballistic missile

January 26, 2018

House to Vote Again on a Massive Defense Funding Bill

Politico: The House will take a largely symbolic vote next week to increase funding for the Pentagon as Congress’ budget