Missile Defense News

January 12, 2016

Raytheon’s improved ship-defense missile hits mark

Arizona Daily Star: Tucson-based Raytheon Missile Systems says its latest version of a ship-defense system, co-developed with Germany, has successfully

January 11, 2016

Navy’s Rail Gun Still Headed to Sea, but on Which Ship?

Defense News: WASHINGTON — One of the prime attributes of the DDG 1000 Zumwalt-class destroyers is the design’s 78-megawatt integrated power

January 11, 2016

U.S. may send more strategic weapons to Korean peninsula: South Korea

Reuters: The United States and its ally South Korea were discussing on Monday sending more strategic U.S. weapons to the

January 11, 2016

Guam anti-missile unit’s main focus is North Korean threat

Stars and Stripes: ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam — The nickname for the anti-ballistic missile task force stationed here doesn’t

January 8, 2016

Cavalier AFS significant link to missile warning/space defense

Air Force Space Command: Cavalier Air Force Station, N.D. — Once a major piece of U.S. nuclear defenses during the Cold War,

January 7, 2016

U.S., South Korean Forces on Alert after North’s Nuclear Test

Voice of America: SEOUL—U.S. and South Korean military forces on the Korean peninsula have been put on high alert following

January 7, 2016

U.S. likely to step up efforts to build IAMD with Seoul, Tokyo

The Korea Herald: North Korea’s latest provocation is expected to serve as a catalyst to strengthen the bilateral cooperation between

January 6, 2016

A Bold New Baltic Strategy for NATO

The National Interest: U.S. security policy in North Central Europe is based on deterrence by punishment. As in the rest

January 6, 2016

Europe’s Missile Shield and Iran’s Capabilities

Military Edge: On December 18, the same week UN experts declared that Iran’s October test launch of a medium-range ballistic

January 6, 2016

North Korea test could put missile defense back in frame despite Chinese disquiet

Yahoo News: HONG KONG (Reuters) – North Korea’s claim to have tested a miniaturized hydrogen bomb, which would represent a