MDAA Alerts

November 3, 2023

Our Nation’s New Chief of Naval Operations 

Admiral Lisa Franchetti, who started her career in the United States Navy over 38 years ago as a young commissioned

October 31, 2023

Our Partnership with The University of Arizona

In a landmark collaboration on October 19th, the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance and the University of Arizona have taken a

October 27, 2023

100th MD Brigade Anniversary

This unprecedented mission and brigade came after the 9/11 air attack on the United States that forced the United States

October 27, 2023

Building Missile Defense Capability with Urgency

“Good afternoon from Woodside, California, one of the centers of the world of innovation. It’s so remarkable today that last

October 25, 2023

Dr. Neil Gilbert Siegel

Dear Members and Friends  We are honored to have one of our most prominent professors for our USC SHIELD program

October 20, 2023

The World Needs Missile Defense and We Need it Now!

Last night President Joseph Biden delivered an Oval Office Address on security aid to Israel and Ukraine after the USS

October 17, 2023

2023 NORAD and NORTHCOM Missile Warning and Defender of the Year

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s bigger than winners, winners associate with winners – world champions associate with world champions. You’re world

October 16, 2023

When Deterrence Fails

Dear Members and Friends, Ms. Yael Diamond joined MDAA as a Military Fellow in June 2023. She served as an

October 13, 2023

This is a Watershed Moment for Israel and the World

“Welcome. I am Riki Ellison, hosting this event from the home of the Northern Command, NORTHCOM, here in Colorado Springs.

October 6, 2023

Chain Reaction

As the Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea becomes a hot spot between the Philippines and China, stability and