Army, USMC exploring IBCS-G/ATOR integration; sign of new confidence in IAMD development

January 8, 2019

Inside Defense:

The Army is coordinating with the Marine Corps to integrate the Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) with the Integrated Air and Missile Defense program, a sign of new confidence by the Army that its $7.9 billion IAMD program — beset two years ago by a string of serious developmental setbacks and schedule delays — has turned a corner and is “on track” for fielding in 2022 or sooner.

Col. Philip Rottenborn, project manager for Integrated Air and Missile Defense in the program executive office for missiles and space, disclosed these developments in a Jan. 7 response to reporters’ questions about the Integrated Battle Command System — the IAMD common integrated-fire control element that provides the functional capabilities to control and manage the IAMDS sensors and shooters.

The addition of the Marine Corps’ AN/TPS-80 G/ATOR radar would mark an expansion of the baseline IBCS capability, which integrates Patriot radars and launchers with Sentinel radars, and builds on the design of the system which is intended to allow the Army to plug in compatible sensors.

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