MDAA Alerts

November 20, 2018

We Come Together

We come together on the Korean Peninsula as one allied, joint team, with one fight to be the upmost prepared

November 19, 2018

There Are No Free Shots

As North Korea ratcheted up its familiar rhetoric for positioning in negotiations and testing new weapons to threaten the United States and

November 13, 2018

Space, the Final Domain

Because of its national priority and importance, last Friday, we led a round table community discussion in Colorado Springs, Colorado,

November 8, 2018

Shifting of Power

As our country shifts its balance of power after the first two years of President Trump, across the Atlantic a shift is

October 31, 2018

European Excellence

In Berlin, the capital of Germany, during the aftermath of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty withdrawal, in the midst

October 26, 2018

An Intercept Heard Halfway Around the World for the World

Earlier today off the Hawaii coast, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) successfully conducted an intercept test with the  Standard Missile-3

October 24, 2018

Treaty Buster

Due to Russian non-compliance to the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with the operational deployment and testing of the SSC-8

October 18, 2018

Changing the Seas from Jersey

On October 27th, 2004, the United States put forth the first operational Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) capability on its Ships

October 16, 2018

Trust but Verify

North Korea and a potential deal forthcoming received favorable comments from President Trump on 60 Minutes. The critical path forward

October 5, 2018

Team Building in the Sandbox

Our greatest capability in Arabia to best provide peace to its 51 million people from multiple tribes, nations, and cultures